Macaroni Critique: The Il Interview

The video. The movie. The legend. This is the Il Interview, the single greatest homemade Youtube video ever created. Created for a history project in Mr. Thela’s class, this video is both informative and badass. Now let’s critique it so you can all hear about it, and be encouraged to watch it and love it.

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Macaroni Critique: The Il Interview

Macaroni Critique: Hot Rod

Hot Rod was released in theaters in 2007, stars Andy Samberg, and is the greatest movie of all time. It was directed by Akiva Schaffer, written by Pam Brady, and sure as hell gives Citizen Kane a run for its money. It’s a satirical take on Evel Knievel-esque stuntwork, was produced on an estimated budget of $25,000,000, and its existence may very will indisputable proof that a benevolent god is watching over all of us and our stepdads. It’s also the only movie I have ever seen. Continue reading “Macaroni Critique: Hot Rod”

Macaroni Critique: Hot Rod

Macaroni Critique: Upstairs High School Women`s Bathroom

School has started back up, raising the average stress level of a Greenville student by 36% (73%, for the IB students out there, and 100% for anyone that has the deplorable sense to look a certain Latin teacher in the eyes). With so many grey areas in life, so many concerns, so many classes to sleep through and immediately lose the rubric for, we at the Macaroni are here to declare an absolute in this crazy, madcap clusterfuck. Here is an extensive critique of the upstairs Greenville High School girl`s bathroom, obviously for our target demographic.

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Macaroni Critique: Upstairs High School Women`s Bathroom

Games in Review: Pokemon Go

Hey, we’re still here (I know, surprising that anyone would waste away their summer writing this crap) and today we’re reviewing the summer sensation game, Pokemon Go.

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Games in Review: Pokemon Go

Macaroni Critique: The IB Math Paper

Hey, Macaroni readers! I’ve just recently recovered from being eaten in the annual Macaroni hunger games, and I’m here to critique somethingĀ very important that really needs critiquing. If you’ve taken IB Math Year 1, you’ve heard of it. It’s called the IB Math Paper. I’m sure we’ll all love it! Let’s get down to business.

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Macaroni Critique: The IB Math Paper

Games in Review: Neko Atsume

neko atsumeHello, and welcome to another installment of games in review! This week, we are critiquing a wonderful game called Neko Atsume, that means cat collector in Japanese or something. But that doesn’t really matter because look, cats! Get lost in their adorableĀ little eyes!

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Games in Review: Neko Atsume

Macaroni Critique: Greenville Laptops

You may have seen the numerous posters around the school, wondering if you, presumed student or staff member of Greenville, are interested in a brand new* laptop. It doesn`t take someone with an IQ higher than one of Sasquatch`s gophers to put together that these computers are the very same relics the library has been using for the past decade, that the school is now attempting to pawn off on to the masses.

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Macaroni Critique: Greenville Laptops